hey guys! i thought i’d do something a bit more personal and informational than usual. recently i’ve had some people ask me why i started a blog and how i got to where it is today. this one’s gonna be a bit of a read, but i promise you it’ll be helpful. i’m first going to start with the why. my mom first suggested it to me during freshman year, saying that i should start doing things for college. in all honesty, i didn’t love the idea at first, but i thought i’d try it out before shutting down the idea (after all, i did want to start some kind of project related to fashion). the location that i was living in at the time didn’t offer much opportunities in the fashion industry so i had to take things into my own hands. now comes the how. i was really intimidated at first on how the hell i was going to start my own blog on my own website. but, i did some research and i remembered from a few ads that Wix would be a good platform to create my website on. Wix is good for when you’re first starting off because it basically sets everything up for you and they have a bunch of themes and styles to choose from. this is really starting to sound like an ad but it’s not! anyways if you’re an og, you know that my website went through a redesign a bit ago, so it’s also pretty easy to rearrange things after you have your website published. for a few months, my blog didn’t have its own domain, it was just under the Wix website. as i became more confident in my blog and knew that it was something that i wanted to continue for at least a few more years, i bought the domain byblake.blog on Wix. i didn’t realize how many different domain endings there are so i thought it was cool that they had one that ends with blog.
in terms of my actual blog, there definitely has been some changes made over the years. yes, years. i still can’t believe that i’ve been doing this for almost 3 years (anniversary is on march 28 ☺). in the beginning, i started off with very informational, formal posts that mainly focused on one type of clothing that was trending. however, after writing for a little bit it slowly progressed to the style i maintain today: something more casual, and about basically anything that is remotely related to fashion. i think i like this kind of writing more because it feels more personal and i like the nuance that it adds (i hope you guys like it too).
a lot of you have said that you are intimidated and you don’t know where to start, but trust me, i was once there too. my advice would be to just find a day where you have about two hours to spare, literally sit down in front of a charged lap top, open up Wix, make an account, and start designing. once you’ve started to doing something– anything– it gives you so much more motivation to keep on going. i honestly had fun designing my website, adding all the different elements and choosing my color scheme. i promise you it never hurts to try something out, and who knows, it might be just the thing that you were looking to do.
i really hoped this helped some of you out or was entertaining enough to read! feel free to reach out about anything, and i’d love to share what i know with you guys. bye bye!