finding the right pair of baggy jeans seems simple enough until you go in to try them on and you look like a middle school boy. i know for a fact that everybody has been there before, and i'm here to give you a little guidance. the term "baggy jeans" is used kind of loosely, especially now with the rise of skinnier jeans, but i personally have been liking a happy medium between very baggy and straight jeans. jeans are a classic piece that always stays in the wardrobe and it is definitely worth finding the perfect pair. i still cannot believe that i didn't wear jeans AT ALL until i was in sixth grade because i thought they were uncomfortable. and honestly, that is a valid point. however, i think baggy jeans are a really good option for when you want to be more dressed up than sweats, but still be comfy.
1. Know Your Waist + Hip Measurements

this is the very first step that you want to do, especially if you're thinking of thrifting your jeans. you want to know the measurement of where you want your jeans to sit, whether that'd be your waist, your hips, or somewhere in between. knowing this measurement makes it so much easier to look for the right size. BUT, another thing that i recommend you do is to find a pair of jeans that you already own that sits somewhat right on you (or adjust it using a belt) and then use your arm to approximate the size of it. because different brands and different styles of jeans (baggy, straight, mom jeans, boyfriend) have different measurements even if they're the same exact size, knowing your measurements using something you will always have on you, aka your body, makes it much easier. for example, i know a pair of jeans will fit well on my hips if it's slightly loose around my hands + forearm.
2. Try On Everything

i know it sounds a little tedious, but trust me, you'll want to do this. with jeans you never know what they're going to look like once they're on you, so i really recommend you try on everything that you even remotely like. i would HIGHLY recommend you do this if you're thrifting, as one my thrifting rules is that you try on absolutely everything. now, if you're online shopping, it's a little more difficult. go to the number three!
3. Online Shopping
online shopping can be a little harder just because you can't see it in person, buttt it also does have some upsides. there are way more choices that you can find online. when i'm looking at jeans on the world wide web, i like to look at clothing measurements if they have them available. with that, i keep in mind a size or two that i think would work for me and look at what the model measurement is as well as what size they are wearing. if that still isn't enough information, i head over to Tik Tok to see what size would work best. et voila! your perfect jeans will arrive at you doorstep. i can confidently say that i have not failed in buying jeans online for at least the past five jeans, and i'd say that that's a pretty good streak.
4. Altering
if you are unable to find jeans that are perfect right off the rack, i've got some altering tips for you. some things that you could do to make the waist tighter is to slap on a belt or to use the shoe lace hack. i don't really like it when people put a shoe lace around the entire waist, but i think it's good for putting it just on the back. wearing a belt is such a classic solution and it makes your outfit look better. if the length is a problem, you can simply cut it, but when you're doing so make sure to cut off less than you think so that you don't have to deal with ankle jeans.